Ok, ok, I know that the last one wasn't the best, but, however, it seems that there are quite a bit of Madness collabs being hosted around here. Only 2 have been released, that weren't complete crap.
There is a slim chance that I will go through with this. There are only goin to be about 5 or 6 artist, so its not huge. Thats about it.
-Waz out...
[Update] 6-29-08'
So i've joined Nuttros Madness Collab.
Sexy Screenshot below.
[Update] 6-30-08'
Guitar Hero Aerosmith came out last night, at 12:00 am, I got my copy this morning. Friking owns.
[Update] 7-4-08'
Well, MadnessCombat.net is back up, but you have to register again if you are a former member.
I have completed my collab part for Nuttro's collab, and I am currently working on another part. I am hopeing that Slipz will let me into the MD08 Collab. [Madness Day 2008 Collab]. I have gotten alot better. I even made my own line of Madness characters. You can use them once I make my tribute with them. Madness 808 is Halted once more, due to lack of insperation.
I am still moving however, expect a screen shot soon. I will be going on Vacation soon, so I'll post before I go. I will be getting my PS3, Laptop, and Rockband any day now, so thats awesome. I may be able to keep incontact if I take my laptop with me. lol. Well, thats all for now. Later guys.
[Update] 7-9-08'
I made a website from Freewebs.com. View it here.
[Update] 7-11-08'
So I have great news, I finally got my laptop. Its awesome. Its got 3GB of memory, and 250GB of Hard drive, correct me if im wrong with the whole, GB ,MB thing. It doesn't have an intel prosessor, it has an AMD, which is good for running high power usage programs, lke flash, I can also now have multiple windows open at the same time, and the computer will not slow down, or lag. Pretty awesome. Also, if you haven't seen this, then you need to check it out.
-Waz out.
Another madness collab?