Well, I've been around Newgrounds, and notice that people are having trouble with windows, which is what most of us have (not dissing mac lovers) The usual, crashes, memory getting wiped clean, and know one wants that. =(. So heres a free operating system, called Ubuntu, it has a flash program like flash 8, Ominus, for web design, real player, and everything else that comes on windows, also, it includes the gimp. My tech teacher has it and said that if you need anything, like programs, theres a bar at the top, just type in what you want and a list of items will apper. Works great. Make sure you have the system requirements. AN BACK UP EVERYTHING ON A DVD CD, THAT INCLUDES WINDOWS TWO!!! Because you dont want a comp crash, so if it does crash, you can just install everything again. Heres a Screen Shot, and if your interested, click Here.
all my important stuff is backed up on jump drives