View Profile watzittooya
"Right in the Bum!"

Waz @watzittooya

Age 30, Male


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United States

Joined on 10/7/07

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550 / 710
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watzittooya's News

Posted by watzittooya - September 30th, 2008

So, there is no Madness 808.

Madness Fusion is coming along good, and should be out by christmas, but as soon as Rorchally, gets back from his trip we will discuss an acual release date for this thing.

I also have a new screen shot of my Madness Agitation 3 part.
Here is the screen shot below. I hope you enjoy.



Posted by watzittooya - September 21st, 2008

Sorry guys no cartoon. I have had no time.

I have droped out of all of my collabs.

Im sorry, but I havn't been animating lately. However, I am getting back into the feeling of animating, so expect good stuff, me and Rorchally are still doing "Madness Fusion", so expect to see that around christmas.

Posted by watzittooya - August 20th, 2008

Ok, so I have got quite alot to do, I have to work on my Madness Day 2008 Collab Part, my Agitation 3 part, and me and Rorchally are making a 2 man tribute collab for Madness Day. I am also Co-hosting Madness Neurosis 4. So, I have got a lot to do. Here are the links if anyone in interested.

Madness Day 2008 Collab

Madness Agitation 3 Collab


Madness Neurosis 4 Collab

There is no official forum yet for me and Rorychally's tribute, but once we get some footage done, I'll have a forum and a preview up.
For not a screen shot should tie you over.



*New screen shot guys.


Posted by watzittooya - August 16th, 2008

Ok so I got a youtube account set up, username- Humansandwich.

Posted by watzittooya - July 24th, 2008

Well, I have finally decided to host another collab, and for once, its non- Madness related.
I was just thinking, we all get angry at our computers, and lets be honest, some of us beat the hell out of them. So emerged, The Computer Smashing Collab!
If you would like to join simply just leave a comment. You must be able to prove yourself worthy of being in the collab before you are accepted. Invitations will be sent out, if you get one, then you are automatically in, if you accept. The Rules and Terms are listed below.

Rules and Terms:

Your animation must be between 5 to 15 seconds long, once you reach the length of 15 seconds, you may continue if you would like to do so.

I have made alot of Madness animations in the past, so please, do not make your part Madness related, this is a non - Madness, Collab.

Your animation must include someone or something smashing any type of computer. Destroying is allowed aswell. It just has to feature a computer being damaged, in any way, shape, or form.

Be creative and think up something original. Feel free to use your own animation style. You can use your own characters or whatever you prefer.

Backround Size: 550 x 400 pixels

Your animation must run at 33 Frames Per Second.

Your Backround must be Black.

Ok guys, that about covers it, I hope you join and come up with some creative stuff, looking forward it seeing it.

Collab Slots:

1. Gordon - Freeman16










Posted by watzittooya - July 23rd, 2008

Im not sure, but I might get going on a tribute. Thinking.

Im making the menu for Nuttro's madness collab.

Im in the Madness Day 2008 Collab.

Tribute is being thought about.

Screenshots later.


Posted by watzittooya - June 27th, 2008

Ok, ok, I know that the last one wasn't the best, but, however, it seems that there are quite a bit of Madness collabs being hosted around here. Only 2 have been released, that weren't complete crap.


Madness Incendation

There is a slim chance that I will go through with this. There are only goin to be about 5 or 6 artist, so its not huge. Thats about it.

-Waz out...

[Update] 6-29-08'

So i've joined Nuttros Madness Collab.
Sexy Screenshot below.

[Update] 6-30-08'

Guitar Hero Aerosmith came out last night, at 12:00 am, I got my copy this morning. Friking owns.

[Update] 7-4-08'

Well, MadnessCombat.net is back up, but you have to register again if you are a former member.

I have completed my collab part for Nuttro's collab, and I am currently working on another part. I am hopeing that Slipz will let me into the MD08 Collab. [Madness Day 2008 Collab]. I have gotten alot better. I even made my own line of Madness characters. You can use them once I make my tribute with them. Madness 808 is Halted once more, due to lack of insperation.
I am still moving however, expect a screen shot soon. I will be going on Vacation soon, so I'll post before I go. I will be getting my PS3, Laptop, and Rockband any day now, so thats awesome. I may be able to keep incontact if I take my laptop with me. lol. Well, thats all for now. Later guys.

[Update] 7-9-08'

I made a website from Freewebs.com. View it here.

[Update] 7-11-08'

So I have great news, I finally got my laptop. Its awesome. Its got 3GB of memory, and 250GB of Hard drive, correct me if im wrong with the whole, GB ,MB thing. It doesn't have an intel prosessor, it has an AMD, which is good for running high power usage programs, lke flash, I can also now have multiple windows open at the same time, and the computer will not slow down, or lag. Pretty awesome. Also, if you haven't seen this, then you need to check it out.
-Waz out.

Posted by watzittooya - June 15th, 2008

/* */
Well, yes, there is a change in plans. Madness is back. The only reason I quit for that short period of time is because my art was shitty and my tributes had no real effort. Now, im going to make a tribute, and im going to make it better, and put way more time and effort into it. This is a real promise. Expect screen shots soon.

Change in plans...

Posted by watzittooya - June 11th, 2008

/* */
Sorry guys, I'm back, and no, I didn't get grounded for not passing finals. I passed. I've been doing other things besides animating. Also, I'm not animating madness anymore. No Madness 808. Get over it. I will still be doing animation, but no more madness. Im working on a project now, but its a secret. Since its summer, I've been Unicycling, doing Rubik's Cube, and a lot of Guitar Hero. I left a video of me doing Rubik's Cube, and Guitar Hero. Its my friends account, so, yeah. Enjoy the video, and enjoy that im back. Im also doing the menu for Illingworths Madness Collab

/* */

Posted by watzittooya - May 24th, 2008

Well, Madness 808 is definitaly moving...
like a snail. I am being held back. I have final to pass, to ensure my moving on to 9th grade, studying is a main priority, and 2nd, unicycling, rubik's cube, and Guitar hero are really holding me back, not to mention my practice of Golf, and Majic. Yes, I am a unique kid, you may even call me weird. I do a little bit of everything. However, once Finals are over, there will be 2 options. Madness 808 will glide, and be done in 2 months, or, I will fail finals, and get grounded for the summer, so if I suddenly am absent, then now you know why. k?
Enjoy the new Screenie.

It is moving...